V. B. Belayev, The dynamics in general relativity theory: variational methods

URSS, Moscow, 2017


The book is mainly used an algebraic approach to the presentation of the theory of relativity, much attention is paid to the variational methods and mechanics of motion of particles in the gravitational field, including the dynamics. The introduction of metrical energy of the light-like particle allows to determine its Lagrangian and use not only the kinematics, but also the dynamics for the analysis of its free movement. The problem of energy and momentum transferred to the particle or system of the gravitational field, for different types of energy and momentum. An analogy with Newtonian gravity and the gravitational masses of the photon and material particle are obtained in a weak gravitational field.
    Differentiated approach to the conservation laws allows to determine
the pressure of gravity field and vacuum. This is done on the basis of solutions of Einstein's field equations for a static spherically symmetric source. The speed of gravity in curved space obtained by using analogies with the gaseous medium.
    The bases of the theory of Kaluza-Klein for a five-dimensional space-time, the theory of induced gravity is considered. Models of the rotating hyperspace with space- and time-like fifth coordinate, dynamics of the material particle in them are investigated.
    The book is intended for scientists, graduate students, undergraduate students majoring in physics and astronomy. As in the first part contains the basis of the special theory of relativity, it is also of interest for those who begin to study this branch of physics.


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Kerr Black Hole

Slowly rotating 



Rotating at medium speed                           Fast rotating